Did you know that refined sugar is far more addictive than cocaine, a stimulant we frequently caution our society as being addictive and harmful?
While a cold turkey approach to your sugar detox isn’t always recommended, especially if you’ve been a sugar-holic for most of your lifetime, it’s definitely a reliable start to better health to begin cutting back on sugars immediately. Refined sugar was almost nonexistent in the diet of most people until very recently. Today, the over-consumption of sugar not only contributes to, but drives the current obesity epidemic.
The World Health Organization has changed its sugar recommendation—advising no more than 5% of your daily calories should come from the sweet stuff, down from the previously recommended 10 percent. And consider this: the average American consumes close to 5 grams of the sweet stuff every day.
Reducing your sugar intake should be on the top of your list, regardless of whether you're currently overweight or not. Why? Because it's been proven over and over that sugar increases your insulin levels, which can lead to a myriad of other health problems. Keep in mind that refined sugar is not the only culprit. Starch, in the form of grains and potatoes, should also be limited within your diet in order to lose weight and feel better.
Sugar is refined from cane, a large species of grass. Raw cane juice is actually a dark green liquid with an incredibly sweet, full-spectrum flavor. Processing the raw cane juice into sugar involves removing nearly all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, leaving only empty simple sugars that are a lot like poison to mammalian biology.
Start small by evaluating everything you’re eating and drinking. If you are addicted to sugar remember that it takes about three weeks before a new way of doing something becomes a comfortable routine. You might have slight missteps, such as eating a candy bar after a stressful workday, just keep forging ahead. The results of your diligence will definitely be worth it.
Exercise releases endorphins in the body, which may help to regulate the mood changes associated with sugar withdrawal symptoms. If you're experiencing headaches or nausea because of sugar withdrawal, an exercise routine may help to boost your energy and eliminate your symptoms through increased oxygenation to the body.
Often simply drinking a glass of water can stop a sugar craving. Indeed, individuals who are addicted to high levels of sugar may have difficulty identifying the difference between a sugar craving and thirst. Whenever you experience an intense bout of sugar cravings, try drinking a glass of water to curb the urge.
Try not to keep sugary foods in your home, you will be more likely to find another, healthier way to deal with the sugar urge. Another great way to improve your chances of successfully navigating through sugar withdrawal symptoms is to keep a detailed journal about your daily diet, your hunger and sugar cravings, your sleep habits, your weight and your energy levels. Keep details on what feels good about being sugar-free and add recipes that are sugar-free to your food journal.
Just remember that it may take weeks or a couple of months to comfortably wean yourself off refined sugar and processed foods, so don't rush. When you are ready, eliminate potatoes and replace them with sweet potatoes. Reduce your fruit consumption to only two pieces per day.
Don't make life a misery. If you're at a dinner party and your friend has baked an incredible chocolate cake, have some! As David Gillespie, author of Sweet Poison, says "party food is for parties" - as long as you don't eat party food every week it's all right to indulge every now and then. However, pay close attention to your cravings; a slice of cake might be okay for one person, but it could push another person over the addictive edge.
Make sure you talk to your doctor first about any planned dietary changes. People with diabetes may have difficulty regulating their blood sugar. These individuals may cause serious damage to their overall health by eliminating sugar from their diet completely. It is very important for them to consult a physician before making any changes to their diet.
Once you've kicked the habit and your taste buds are back to normal, fruit will taste super-sweet and satisfying—and massive amounts of added sugar will taste like what they are: sickeningly sweet. You will feel better, both mentally and physically. By cutting out so many bad choices from your diet and taking control of the fuel that you put into your body, you will absolutely lose weight. Your Energy will improve, and your intestines and colon will perform more efficiently. Many people who've cut down on their sugar intake report that their skin feels and looks healthier after they stop giving in to sugar’s pull - it is absolutely worth the effort!
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