The Brussels sprout is a member of the Gemmifera Group of cabbages, grown for its edible buds. The leaf vegetables are typically 1.5–4.0 cm in diameter and look like miniature cabbages. The Brussels sprout has long been popular in Brussels, Belgium, and may have gained its name there
Brussels sprout is rich in nutrients and has been related to many health benefits. In addition to fiber, it has antioxidants, omega-3 fats, vitamin K, vitamin C, and more. These nutrients can aid in curbing conditions like cancer, constipation, heart disease, and diabetes among others.
Not many vegetables come packed with these many nutrients. But keep in mind that you need to consume Brussels sprout regularly in particular amounts to meet your daily requirements. Here are ten reasons to eat Brussels sprouts for health.
Brussels sprouts have minimal calories but plenty of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. They are unusually high in
vitamin K, which is crucial for bone health and blood clotting. They also have high levels of vitamin C, an antioxidant that assists in the promotion of iron absorption as well as immune function and tissue repair.
The high levels of fiber assists in supporting gut health and regularity. Moreover, Brussels sprout has trace amounts of potassium, thiamine, phosphorous, vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium. This makes it ideal to consume Brussels sprouts for health.
Brussels sprouts are healthy additions to any meal and are simple to incorporate into entrees and side dishes. People usually have them baked, sautéed, roasted, or boiled. For an easy dish, slice off the ends of the vegetable. Mix them in some pepper, salt, and olive oil before roasting them on a baking sheet until they are crispy. Brussels sprout can also be included in stir-fried dishes, pasta, or frittatas for a nutritious and flavorful dinner.
Brussels sprouts offer 81 percent of your daily vitamin C requirements per 78 grams of cooked serving.
Vitamin C is essential for the repair and growth of body tissues. Also, it serves as an antioxidant by helping in the production of proteins such as collagen, and boosts immunity. The vitamin can also boost the absorption of non-heme iron, which is an iron form seen in plant foods that are hard to absorb as compared to iron from animal sources.
A study showed that consuming 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal improved the iron absorption by 67 percent. Vitamin C can be found in numerous vegetables and fruits. Brussels sprout is one of the best vegetable sources for the vitamin.
Inflammation is a typical immune response. However, chronic inflammation can lead to conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
According to research, it has been discovered that compounds present in Brussels sprouts have anti-inflammatory properties.
Moreover, Brussels sprout has a lot of antioxidants that can assist in neutralizing the free radicals that lead to inflammation. Brussels sprout can decrease inflammation and minimize the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases. Explains why it is wise to eat Brussels sprouts for health.
Brussels sprouts are one of the top plant sources of omega-3 fats, whereby a serving of 78 grams has 135 mg of ALA. Omega-3 fatty acids aid in reducing blood triglycerides, slowing cognitive decline, reducing insulin resistance, and decreasing inflammation.
Brussels sprouts can assist in keeping steady levels of your blood sugar. Many studies have associated a high intake of Brussels sprout to a minimized
risk of diabetes. This is because the vegetable is rich in fiber, which assists in regulating blood sugar levels.
Fiber moves slowly in the gut undigested and slows down sugar absorption into the blood. Brussels sprout also has alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that has been seen to have impacts on insulin and blood sugar.
Insulin hormone is responsible for taking sugar from your blood to your cells to control the levels of sugar in the blood. The researchers concluded that alpha-lipoic acid enhanced the efficient working of insulin in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Including Brussels sprout in your meals will assist you in stabilizing levels of blood sugar.
Brussels sprout has plenty of vitamin K. You will get 137 percent of the daily vitamin K requirement in 78 grams of the vegetable. This crucial nutrient plays a critical role in your body. It aids in coagulation, which is the creation of blood clots that curb bleeding.
Vitamin K may also promote bone growth and protection against osteoporosis, a disease featuring continual bone loss. According to research, vitamin K supplements can boost bone strength and minimize the likelihood of bone fracture in postmenopausal women.
About 78 grams of Brussels sprout has 2 grams of
fiber, offering up to eight percent of the daily fiber requirements. Fiber is a vital part of your health, and having it in your diet will offer multiple health advantages. Dietary fiber can assist in relieving constipation by increasing stool frequency, boosting stool consistency, and softening stool to ease passing. Fiber also assists in the promotion of digestive health by assisting in feeding the beneficial gut bacteria.