Tuesday, March 10, 2020

10 Easy Ways To Lose Belly Fat (Without Going to The Gym)

Losing weight in general is hard, but dropping belly fat in particular can feel insurmountable.
Stubborn tummy fat can be very hard to shift. Due to our often sedentary lifestyles and stressful jobs, medicated with alcohol and biscuits, belly fat can easily build up.

Below, we've compiled ten easy-to-follow steps that can help melt that middle away. From introducing more protein and soluble fibre into your diet, to adding resistance training to your workouts, it shouldn't be long before you're saying bye bye beer belly, hello fab abs! 

Coconut Oil: Put aside the butter and olive oil: coconut oil should be your new go-to medium for frying and basting. The reason is that it can withstand much higher heats, so it's less carcinogenic than other oils.

Lifting Weights: Resistance training, also known as weight lifting or strength training, is important for improving and maintaining muscle mass. It also helps to spike our metabolisms, which means your body burns fat even after your workout.

Plenty of Restful Sleep: Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your overall health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to managing your weight.  Sleep is huge when it comes to your weight loss success—and that’s both if you sleep too much or too little. If you’re only getting a minimal amount of sleep each night, that leaves more time for you to snack and make otherwise unhealthy decisions that could affect your weight loss.

Eat Fatty Fish: Omega 3 fatty acids are lauded with such attractive qualities as delaying ageing and fighting degenerative diseases. However, it's less well known that eating fatty fish is also excellent for weight loss

Avoid Sugary Foods Fruit Juice: Calorie for calorie, sugar is different to other food groups such as protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat, because it confuses your normal appetite controls and causes your body to produce fat. Refined sugars are often hidden in a plethora of different products that you wouldn't expect such as fruit juices.

Reduce Refined Carbs: Carb restriction is a very effective way to lose fat. Low-carb diets also lead to quick reductions in water weight, which gives people near instant results. A difference on the scale is often seen within 1–2 days.

Reduce Levels of Stress:  Everyone has stress. How you handle it matters. The best things you can do include relaxing with friends and family, meditating, exercising to blow off steam, and getting counseling. That leaves you healthier and better prepared to make good choices for yourself. Stress causes your body to gain fat because it triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite.

Consume High-Protein Diet: people with a higher protein intake have lower levels of belly fat. It also raises your metabolic rate, making you more likely to build muscle during and after exercise. There’s a reason everyone harps on about protein: Not only does it help keep you full, but it’s also responsible for repairing the tiny tears caused by strength training in your muscles. This helps them grow bigger and stronger, nudging out body fat in the process.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol contains a very high amount of 'empty' calories, which don't have any nutritional value. Women are more likely to store the fat created by surplus calories on their hips, thighs and arms, men store it on their tummy, hence the 'beer belly'. If you're keen on reducing your tummy fat quickly, it's advised that you cut out alcohol from your diet completely.

Consume a lot of Soluble Fiber: Foods that are high in refined carbs and sugar don’t actually tame your hunger, so you end up reaching for more. Instead, eat more fibrous foods like whole grain breads, oats, vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, and chia seeds. “They fill you up more,” says Dr. Cheskin, as fiber helps slow your digestion.


if you are still wondering of how to lose belly fat, it takes months of hard work and commitment on your part in executing the strategies that suit you. Whatever the methods you have chosen, the right combination will work like a charm.

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