Health & Wellness
1. First Aid
Hydrogen peroxide gently sanitizes cuts and scrapes without harsh chemicals. It’s a natural anti-septic that helps to prevent infection. This solution should be used to help clean minor wounds but should not be used for long term treatment or to clean serious wounds.
I personally use a food-grade, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for minor cuts, scrapes and bug bites to disinfect, and use this DIY first aid ointment to promote healing.
2. Contact Lens Solution
If you forgot your contact lens fluid, fear not! If you have hydrogen peroxide, you can use this as a temporary contact lens fluid. The 3% solution will keep your contact lenses safe and will even help break down proteins that have accumulated on your lenses during the day.
3. Sinus Infection Relief
Diluted hydrogen peroxide can be used as a nasal spray for those of you dealing with sinus congestion.
Dental Care
4. Mouthwash
A food-grade, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used as an effective and safe mouthwash. When used daily, it can even whiten your teeth and help with persistent canker sores. You only need about 1 tablespoon daily; just swish around the solution in your mouth for 1-2 minutes and then spit.
5. Sanitize Toothbrushes
Keep toothbrushes naturally clean with hydrogen peroxide. Just soak toothbrush heads with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to kill germs and bacteria. Try this 1-2 times a week.
6. Whiten Teeth
Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda with 1 tsp of food-grade, 3% hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Use this as a “toothpaste” to remove stains and help to whiten teeth. Use a few times a week as needed.
Natural Cleaning
7. All-Purpose Cleaner
I always turn to hydrogen peroxide in my home because it is an effective and safe cleaning product. It has strong disinfectant properties and so it can be used in the kitchen, bathroom and even on your children’s toys. It’s also great for cleaning mirrors and windows.
8. Laundry Stain Remover
Next time you have to tackle a laundry stain, try using 3% hydrogen peroxide. Gently dab the solution onto the stain and let sit for no longer than 3 minutes (hydrogen peroxide can bleach fabric if left on the stained surface too long), then thoroughly rinse the affected area.
9. Whiten Laundry
Give up bleach for good and opt for hydrogen peroxide to get clothes naturally white. Add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide a load of laundry. Let soak for 20-30 minutes and wash as normal.
10. Mold and Mildew Cleaner
Don’t reach for bleach if you have a tough mold or mildew stain. Spray a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide on mold and mildew on grout, tiles, bath tubs, shower stalls and more. Let solution soak for at least 30 minutes and rinse.
11. Carpet Cleaner
Got a tough carpet stain? Spray a little hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let sit for no longer than 3 minutes (hydrogen peroxide can bleach carpet if left on the stained surface too long), then wash out well with a cloth. Test on an inconspicuous spot first.
12. Disinfect Kitchen Sponges and Sinks
Kitchen sponges and sinks can easily contain more germs than bathroom toilets. Yuck!
Keep those sponges and kitchen sinks clean with hydrogen peroxide. Clean out sink of any dishes or dirt. Plug the sink and fill with very warm water and add 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Add kitchen sponges and let sit in sink for about 20-30 minutes. This will help to sanitize both the sponges and the sink and naturally kill bacteria.
13. Natural Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner
Hard to believe, but, yes, that produce you got from the store is covered in germs. Ew, right? Hydrogen peroxide can kill germs on your produce, as well as help neutralize potentially harmful chemicals.
Simply fill half of your sink with warm water and add 1⁄4 cup of food-grade, 3% hydrogen peroxide, then let your fruits and vegetables soak for 10-15 minutes. I would recommend using this method on fruits and vegetables with thicker skins such as cucumbers and potatoes.
14. Sanitize Cutting Boards
Keep your cutting boards clean with hydrogen peroxide. Just spray cutting board surfaces with hydrogen peroxide and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse well with hot water, and then use dish soap to wash off food particles.
15. Disinfect Refrigerator
Got a funky smell in the fridge? First, empty out all the food and drinks. Then, spray hydrogen peroxide and let sit for a couple of minutes. It will help to sanitize and neutralize odors. Wipe down with a clean cloth and place food back inside.
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