Saturday, April 4, 2020

Make Your Own Face Masks—No Sewing Machine Required

As COVID-19 spreads across the United world, hospitals are struggling to keep fully functional while running through their limited supplies of face masks, gowns, and other protective equipment.

Tutorials for DIY masks have proliferated across social media and the internet as news of the dire conditions in hospitals across the country hit the news, and people want to pitch in. But the value of such a mask may not lie so much in helping medical professionals, but in helping to protect yourself and the people around you.

Surgical masks aren’t meant to shield the wearer from infection, but to protect others by corralling any infectious droplets that may come out of your mouth or nose—whether you’re symptomatic or not. That’s why authorities have insisted only people presenting symptoms or suspected of having COVID-19 should wear them.

“A mask is only ever as good as the wearer, and isn’t a replacement for social distancing and good hand hygiene,” says Anna Davies, one of the researchers in the Public Health England study.


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