Cucumber water not only helps genuinely hydrate the body, it can help you feel better overall, and even look better.
Water is vital to the body, but by itself it’s not a great source of vitamins. When you add in cucumbers you’ll be adding in vitamins and minerals that will help supplement the rest of your diet.
Cucumber water Keeps your blood pressure in check and it will help keep you away from debilitating diseases like stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, or vision loss. By drinking cucumber water you’re staying hydrated, and helping your blood pressure thanks to the 4% DV of potassium cucumbers contain.
Drinking a glass of cucumber water when you’re hungry can help you make it until your next meal if it’s not quite mealtime. Eating when you’re not actually hungry can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and can throw you off your natural eating cycle. When you feel hunger coming on before it’s time to eat again, see if you’re just thirsty. Thirst and hunger use the same signal, and drinking cucumber water can help determine if it’s really hunger that you’re dealing with. Saving yourself from just a few unwarranted meals a week can be a big boost to your health.
Staying hydrated will help your skin stay supple and smooth, and adding in cucumbers to your water intake means you’re getting extra nutrients that helps even more. Cucumbers contain silica, which provides extra benefits to the skin.
Silica in cucumbers that helps the skin, also helps your muscle tissues healthy. It’s a great choice if you’ve added a strength training regimen to your healthy lifestyle, or if you want to make sure that your muscles have all of the nutrients needed to function at their best. A daily glass of cucumber water makes a great contribution to the overall health of your muscles, and your body in general.
Cucumbers have shown promise for their anti-cancer properties, and when you use them as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, you’ll be helping to avoid this disease.
Here is one of my favorite recipe for cucumber water: Refreshing Fruit Water
Feeling parched is not in the cards when you make up a batch of this fruit water. But don’t let the title fool you, it’s packing more than just fruit and includes several slices of cucumber. Blueberries and strawberries give you a boost of antioxidants, and cucumber provides minerals and additional antioxidants that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to take on the rest of your day. When compared to other drinks marketed as energy drinks you’re much better going with an all-natural option that leaves you feeling good with no crash later.
Looks delish! Where's the recipe though?
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