A natural remedy to soothe your nagging cough could be as close as your kitchen cupboards or refrigerator.
Natural remedies can be effective ways to treat a cough, but only if used properly and at the correct potency.
Eating pineapple helps to break down mucus congestion as it contains an ingredient called bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory.
Drinking a warm glass of water with lemon juice and Manuka honey added to it is a great way of increasing your intake of fluid and bioflavonoids. Manuka honey is also a natural antibiotic.
Drinking herbal teas including fenugreek, rosehip, licorice root, echinacea, lemon with ginger and Manuka honey may help to ease congestion and also provides the body with vitamin C.
Steam inhalations of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of hot water may temporarily alleviate the nasal congestion associated with the common cold. Lean over the bowl with a towel over your head and spend 10 minutes inhaling the vapours.
Keep hydrated by drinking at least two liters of fluid per day. Dehydration will slow down your recovery time and reduce the amount of metabolic wastes excreted via the kidneys.
Include plenty of garlic, ginger, chili peppers and horseradish in your diet, as these ingredients will act as decongestants and open up the sinus cavities.
A supplement of vitamin C powder added to water and gargled will help to provide antioxidants to the respiratory system and help reduce inflammation in the throat. Add some echinacea or olive leaf liquid for an even better throat gargle.
Get plenty of rest and sleep so that your body recovers properly.
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